The Greatest Of These!

Love such an amazing word and yet so hard for people to say.  Why do we always relate love only to the relationship between husband and wife or family members?  Are we not called, by our Savior, to love everyone we encounter?   Are we not to practice PHILIA love to other humans and friends…

Your Will Not Mine!

Do you every wonder if the way you spend your time is pleasing to God?  Lately I have been puzzled by the way I spend my time.  Everything we do in life should serve one purpose.  To bring glory to him.  If your involved in ministry, is it for your glory or his?  If you…

All We Need Is Christ!

A movie this week reminded me of how often we battle each other.   I thought of the time in the book of Mark, when the disciples were arguing over which one was Jesus’s favorite.  They were arguing at the very time he was trying to teach them love… humility… and kindness. We compete on …

Near or Far!

The meal was amazing as was the time with my beautiful wife. Walking around downtown always brings peaceful thoughts in the company of the one I love.  Blinded by my favor I had not taken the time to help those hurting and far from God! Then he opened a door for us as he asked…