No Need For Rules

Have you thought about what it would be like to strip away all of self and replace it with love.  What if we could get so in tune with God that all selfishness was gone?  Simply by being human we are selfish by nature.  We always want what is best for us.  We might consider…

Loving People = Loving Jesus

The true test of our spiritual maturity is not how often you go to church.  It is not how many scriptures you know or how deep your knowledge is of the word.  It is not whether your part of a life group or belong to a certain religion.  It is not how much prayer you offer or how…

One At A Time

So many times we think we have to be part of something grand.  We want to have our fifteen minutes of fame.  We want to do things on a worldly level.  Then I am reminded that simply helping one person have a better tomorrow is in so many ways, the biggest thing we can do! …