Who Is My Neighbor?

No matter your belief.  No matter your choice of how you live.  If it does not end with you becoming stronger in love, it is wasted time.  The image of Christ is one of love. These are the fruits of Christ spirit:  “Love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things…

How BIG is YOUR tent?

I hear so much talk among Christians and the world, about sexual preference and transgender roles.  My thoughts always turn to Phillip and the Eunuch.  A Eunuch was a boy chosen because he had female characteristics.  He would then have his genitalia removed.  This would take away his desire and he would look very similar…


He talked with such love. As he talked sadness filled his eyes but joy came from his spirit.  Him and his wife had lost their infant child, and instead of letting it destroy them they used it to inspire. The show he produced on AGT, in his daughters name, was breathtaking.  It was then that…

A New God!

Do you ever feel lost in the desert?  Deserted, desolate and lonely.  As I have moved from understanding God as a rule maker with a iron fist, to knowing him as a loving God who accepts everyone right where they are at… I feel alone. Our society and our country are so fixated on a…


Sometimes I feel like life would be easier if I went along with the status quo.  However, God put in me a deep desire to question everything, and to search tirelessly for answers.  Whether it be medical, political, religious, or science I long to learn more… understand more.  I research always and look for different…

The Truth Of Love!

All my life I have been a part of conversations about scripture.  What does scripture mean?  Is that person following the correct interpretation of scripture?  Does his lifestyle fit into the bible as we see it? I myself spend countless hours tearing apart a single sentence in the bible.  I have even studied verses in…


The last first day was hard.  The last first day brought reality to the surface like a slap in the face.  Tuesday, August 13th was my grandsons last first day of school.  He is a senior this year and so many things will change.  It made me think of how the clock only moves in…

The Kingdom!

I study during all of my spare time. I read not only scripture but viewpoints from theologians and wise people of scripture. I prefer all different viewpoints to get a better picture of the true meaning of the word.  Reading the bible and putting it into our lives is hard.  It is a puzzlement.  We…

Simply Jesus!

Eight years.  Eight years God has been using me to deliver the HJD message. For eight years I have been sending this message to the lead pastors of my church with no acknowledgment.  There are 8000 people who read HJD and many who use it to better their lives. However, my lead pastors do not…

Giant Grace!

The Grizzly Giant Redwood.  Three hundred fifty feet tall.  One hundred feet around at the base.  As I stand in the shadow of this unbelievable creation I think of you father.  How you took a seed the size of my fingernail and with love and nurturing you turned it into this amazing tree. You then…