
Happy Jesus Day! SCHADENFREUDE! Two teenagers asked me why people are so rude in traffic?  Why do they get angry when you pull in front of them?  While in traffic recently I inadvertently pulled in front of a man in a big pickup.  He followed behind me, on his horn, for the next several blocks. …

Love = Joy!

Bird nest’s fascinate me.  None more than that of a swallow. Under our carport is a swallow nest that has been there for years.  Their nest is so well constructed that it can stay, for years, as a place to return to.  They strategically place it somewhere out of the weather.  They fasten it to…

God’s Master Plan!

He told me “you will never find a church like your vision”.  I get so dismayed watching what we have turned Jesus’s love into. It’s a show.  It’s about this rule or that.  This lifestyle or that. When in fact Jesus’s life was about acceptance… compassion.  Not condemnation or judgement!  Church has become facebook in…

Love and Grace!

Religions see certain people as the enemy.  Jesus followers see sin as the enemy.  All my life I have listened to preachers speak as though we are in and they are out.  They speak of those within the church as being saved and the rest are not.  They speak as though its a club and…

The Way Of Love!

Happy Jesus Day! The Way Of Love! The question was “what is love exactly”?  Love, as an action, is the only thing that has ever changed the world for the better. Love is Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi…. Love is a little girl in Pakistan named Malala Yousafzai standing up to men who said that…

Changing Our Paradigm!

A mystic, Caryll Houselander told the story of a train journey where Christ revealed himself to her in every person on the train. Those sitting, those standing, those passing by.  Upon exiting the train she saw the same in everyone on the street.  Scientist have discovered that even in what appears to be total darkness…

Birthing Love!

I am sitting alone in our family room.  This room was once filled with large amounts of love and laughter now sits silent.  The packages are gone and the food has been devoured.  I sit in silence thinking how incredible this time of year is and how I never want it to end.  Then I…

Seeing Christ!

They followed the light.  Everyone that saw the light that night followed it.  The wisemen… the shepherds… Was it an angel that glowed?  A star that shined?  Regardless they followed the light. They came because they felt his holy spirit.  They came bearing gifts and having a sense of awe and wonder.  Should we not…

A Holy Baby Boy!

Every year I try to put myself in Mary’s sandals.  I try to imagine what it was like to look upon his face for the first time.  To touch his head, to feel his breath, and to know it is the breath of God.  What went thru her mind as she realized she was delivering…