Divine Proportions!

As I travel down a street in Fort Worth named Lancaster, I pass thru the mission area. I have had to go that way many times, as of late. With each trip my heart hurts, and my spirit instantly turns to prayer.  The homeless souls are so numerous you would have difficulty counting them.  So…

God’s Agenda!

He comes by when he is in need of validation.  So many times I second guess if I should help, but Christ always enters my heart to remind me of how much I love him.  Christ took time for everyone.  He never turned his back or neglected a soul. As I hug this young man…


I love the bible.  I love scripture and mostly the letters in red.  One of the factors in loving something is being critical of it or critical of a belief in it.  That shows how much you love it.  If you didn’t love it you wouldn’t want it to improve and be loved and understood…

Trust In His Grace!

I wake up each morning at six.  As I rise from the covers I have a prayer in my thoughts.  My goal in waking up is not personal perfection, but surrender, and union with God. Any preoccupation with my own moral goodness keeps my eyes on myself and not on God… or grace… or love. …


Open your heart… Open your mind…  Look beyond your understanding…  Listen to those around you… Watch in silence…  Remove your ego and look upon others with an open heart…  Listen to the earth… The animals…  Its all the word of God.  God speaks daily in our lives and not just through the written word. He…

Continuous Faithfulness!

As we hug I can feel the depth of her love.  After forty one years I know in my heart that her love is unconditional. I am asked so many times by others how to have a successful marriage?  How to be soulmates in a world that teaches everything but that?  Love is an exercise…

Who Is My Neighbor?

No matter your belief.  No matter your choice of how you live.  If it does not end with you becoming stronger in love, it is wasted time.  The image of Christ is one of love. These are the fruits of Christ spirit:  “Love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things…

How BIG is YOUR tent?

I hear so much talk among Christians and the world, about sexual preference and transgender roles.  My thoughts always turn to Phillip and the Eunuch.  A Eunuch was a boy chosen because he had female characteristics.  He would then have his genitalia removed.  This would take away his desire and he would look very similar…


He talked with such love. As he talked sadness filled his eyes but joy came from his spirit.  Him and his wife had lost their infant child, and instead of letting it destroy them they used it to inspire. The show he produced on AGT, in his daughters name, was breathtaking.  It was then that…

A New God!

Do you ever feel lost in the desert?  Deserted, desolate and lonely.  As I have moved from understanding God as a rule maker with a iron fist, to knowing him as a loving God who accepts everyone right where they are at… I feel alone. Our society and our country are so fixated on a…