The Truth Of Love!

All my life I have been a part of conversations about scripture.  What does scripture mean?  Is that person following the correct interpretation of scripture?  Does his lifestyle fit into the bible as we see it? I myself spend countless hours tearing apart a single sentence in the bible.  I have even studied verses in Hebrew or Greek to determine its true meaning.  I want to have deep knowledge when in a conversation with other Christians when we disagree.  Is the Christian faith about making sure we get it right or is it about how much we love?  We seem obsessed with getting it right and following the rules. We worry, as his children, that if we don’t get it correct we may not be entitled to spend eternity with him. We may not have a seat at his table. We talk of the bible as if it is the truth.  Are you teaching the truth?  Do you follow the truth of scripture?  When in fact Jesus is the giver of truth.  “I am the way… the truth… and the life…”  In his life we see that the greatest form of truth is wisdom from a relationship with Christ and the greatest form of Christ wisdom is love.  Even Paul said the greatest of all virtues is not faith.  It is not hope.  IT IS LOVE! When the prodigal son came home his father was not worried about his lifestyle or what his sins were.  He simply loved… and rejoiced in his return.  That is the truth of love.  I Love You! Perry

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