Live Humbly

Daily I watch as this country wants what’s best for us.  I watch as that country wants what is best for them. We live in a world, from one end of the globe to the other, where everyone is mainly concerned about themselves.  Where is God in all of this?  Where is Christ in all…

The Least Of These!

As he cut me off in traffic the word idiot came out of my mouth.  When they told me what she had done, I simply said she is just stupid.  As those words became more common in my speak God grabbed my heart.   “You are talking about a child I love”.  “You’re degrading someone…

The Fruits

He said “I always control my language when I’m around you”. Then why not all the time?  She told me “I can’t help the way I feel”. My comment was you can if you want to. As you grow closer to Christ. As you spend more time in his presence then thoughts become clear.  Actions…

Heaven – Bring It On!!

I couldn’t hold back the tears as she told me about her one year old that had an inoperable brain tumor. Father forgive me for worrying about the small stuff when she is dealing with that.  I can’t stop my heart from breaking as I listen to the young man and his mother worried about…

Deep Love

As we sat in a circle I listened as each person told what they expect…  what they get from their spouse.  When it came to me I simply said I would never set expectations on my beautiful wife and I don’t need anything from her but love.  I would never put that burden on my…

Where Is Peace?

Do you ever feel confused?  Feel like craziness has surrounded you?  Do you feel like chaos is the order of the day and peace has left on a train?  Jesus did not promise an easy life.  There will be times when the waves will rise and you feel like you are drowning!  Jesus never said…


It was a simple bracelet but such a profound statement.  WWJD. “What Would Jesus Do”?  You can still buy them but more important you can still live them.  In every situation.  In every moment. In every circumstance… simply ask “What Would Jesus Do”?   When someone disrespects you. WWJD? When someone cuts you off in…

During The Storm… Trust

This evening I took the time to sit and watch a magnificent sky that our God made.  It is so vast with deep shades of blue and large white pillow clouds.  As I enjoyed the wonder of our God I noticed some dark ominous clouds moving in to cover up the beauty. That gave me thought as…