Giving Thanks

He waited and waited.  Days went by.  Then weeks.  Then months.  All he wanted was a simple “Thank You”.  All he got was one problem after another.  One request after another.  He had done so much for his children and yet he still just heard complaining.  It is so easy for us to get stuck looking at the problems in our day.  In our life.  We get so addicted to comfort.  So addicted to looking at whats wrong that we forget to look at the favor.  Sometimes.  Most of the time.  Our Savior and God simply wants to hear a humble “Thank You”.  Thank you for the blessings.  Thank you for the salvation and yes even “Thank You” for the strength to climb the mountain.  Let our thankfulness shine always… not just on a given day. 

Colossians 3

Psalms 138

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