Humble Ourselves

As I stand beside the ocean in Chile I feel so incredibly small. Do you ever think that God made such grandeur in the oceans… the mountains… as a way to humble us? As a way to say don’t feel more important than you really are. We are to humble ourselves to each other. We…

Throw Away The Box

Everything about Jesus life says… step out of your comfort zone.  His virgin birth.  His resurrection. Everything in between.  He knew no box and taught us to think differently. When others were saying hate, he was saying love.  When others wanted to fight, he said love your enemy. Do you think Peter, John and James…

Haunting Image

There is an image that haunts me at times and today was one of those days.  When this image controls my thoughts I can’t stop the tears.  I can’t stop the pain.  They spat on him.  My Jesus. The one whom I love more than anyone was spat on.  They beat him beyond recognition.  The…

God’s Timing

I often wonder about the timing of God.  A thousand years is of a day to him.  How can we ever come to understand that concept.  We pray and we want it today.  We pray and we want it to happen our way.  There are times we need to knock down the walls of our…