Maybe We Should See Jesus

What if we saw the man on the corner, as Jesus?  What if I saw the lady behind the counter at Walgreens, that I lost patience with, as Jesus?  Would I have treated her different?  Would I have still lost my patience?  What if I look at my kids… my wife and see Jesus, would…

I Can’t Wait

I keep seeing Mary’s face as she looked upon the Savior.  I can only imagine the reverence of Joseph as he caressed Christ face.  I wonder about the amazement of the shepherds as they saw God in the flesh.  I envision the magi as they declared him King of Kings.  Then my thoughts turn to…

He Is The Reason

I woke early this morning to admire the tree… the presents… and to ponder this holy day of our Saviors birth.  For some today it’s about presents, for some it’s about  lights and still others it’s about family.  As I look at the evergreen foliage I see a tree that stays alive even in the…

He Loves Us!!

Father I know they are not what you intended them to be.  I know they disappoint you more than you can bare.  I know you want to wash your hands of them but I see hope.  I see love in their hearts and goodness in their spirit.  Let me save them!   Son.. that would…

Our Crazy

Happy Jesus Day! This week I have been troubled by the mess I am.  The mess you are.  We are all a mess of sin and transgressions.  Our lives spin out of control and just like Paul we do the very thing we know we shouldn’t.  We feel conflicted by our behavior. We pour out…

True Joy

Her question was “how can you be so happy everyday?” She knew my answer but she wanted to hear it.  Happiness comes from the mind… pure joy comes from the heart.  Abraham Lincoln said “people are as happy as they choose to be”.  It’s only thru the dwelling of the holy spirit that you can…

Lives of Thanksgiving

As I look back over this day I sit in amazement. I enjoyed a day of amazing food, amazing fun and a show with amazing entertainment.  As I listened to the music I thought of how thankful I am for being able to hear the sounds.  See the lights. Feel the beat. Smell the food……

The Greatest Is Love

There is nothing greater than LOVE!  Everything in Jesus life leads to love.  Every concept in the bible leads to love.  God… Jesus… Holy Spirit… all exist as pure love.  Pure love does not see others as right or wrong but rejoices in existence.  Pure love looks beyond faults and peers into the heart.  We,…

Let Go and Let God

I watched as she ran around the store with a look of despair.  She was simply a customer but her stress level was unmeasurable.  I wondered, as I silently prayed for her, if she ever knows peace? Does she ever let go and let God?  Do any of us?  So many times I have tried…

He Is Everywhere

Why do we focus so much on the differences in each other instead of the things we have in common?  As I sit at the airport I see so many nationalities but we all have one thing in common.  LOVE!  I watch as a whole family from China hug and are excited to see each…