Giant Grace!

The Grizzly Giant Redwood.  Three hundred fifty feet tall.  One hundred feet around at the base.  As I stand in the shadow of this unbelievable creation I think of you father.  How you took a seed the size of my fingernail and with love and nurturing you turned it into this amazing tree. You then cared for it for over 3,000 years.  My heart melts knowing that you nurture and care for this tree and how much more you must love and care for me.  Father I come to you with outstretched arms and an open heart.  Asking that you draw me closer.  That you bring me into your presence and fill me with your love and grace.  Knowing that you love me with all that you are, and my sin is of no importance to you.  That your grace is covering all the dark parts of my life.  I am thankful that your grace stings like a bee, as it reminds me of how short I fall.  Your grace that floods my life as you reveal to me how you hold me up when I falter.  Father I know I can not be perfect and to try is exhausting.  Then you shower me with love and my mind finds rest and peace in your arms.  Just like this tree, who knows only you, I want to trust fully in your care and nurturing.  I want to spend each day in awe of your love and to relax in the knowledge of your grace. Thru that grace give me the strength of this tree.

Romans 6:14                     I Love You!  Perry

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