He Is Your Rock!!

Do you ever feel disconnected from our Lord?  Sometimes in an effort to find more of him we lose sight of his love and his spirit.  Lately I have felt this way.  We attend church weekly and because you love those around you its easy to get involved.  Then before you know it you loose…

Attitude of Gratitude!

Do you ever take a hot shower and say a prayer of THANKS for the ability to do so?  After being caught in the rain I stood in the shower giving thanks for hot water.  When we live lives of gratitude the smallest things become big things.  The tiniest pleasures become monumental joys.  Christ calls…

Beauty Is All Around Us!!

Colorado this time of year has thousands of aspen trees that paint a picture.  I am in awe at the spectacular yellow and orange leaves that blanket the mountainside.  The colors so deep… so brilliant… as if looking at a sunset.  Then as I walk around the town I am reminded, just as beautiful are…

YOU Are What He Loves!

I feel so small!!  When you stand in the presence of God and his world… humbleness takes over and you feel small.  As I sit at the 10,000 foot base of the Maroon Bells Mountain I realize that as small as I am in the grandness of his creation, I am a giant in his…

How Content Are You?

As I stand on a corner, in downtown Fort Worth, waiting on my beautiful wife I feel content. I watch as so many expensive cars go by.  I see so many fancy structures and just like Paul I feel contentment. As Christ followers we are to be content. Content in what we have or don’t….

Be Confident!

“How do you stay so confident everyday?”  As we talked I could tell she struggled with confidence in most areas of her life.  Trust… true trust in the Lord will bring confidence that is unexplainable.  David as he marched to battle Goliath was confident in God.  Noah as he built the arc was confident in…

Keep Praying!

Do you ever feel so proud you could explode?  So relieved you could float?  So happy you could dance?  Answered prayer can do that.  I have spent years in prayer.  I have begged…  I have pleaded… I have yelled at God and at satan.  I have been mad that God was not saving this young…

Be His Door!

God, why do you allow so much evil in the world? To which I heard him say “why do you?” God, why don’t you fix the poverty and sickness in the world? He exclaimed “why don’t you?” God, rid the world of hatred and war. “I could but so could you!” We have within us…

It’s A Really Big Picture!

When is the last time, you took the time, to listen to someone you disagree with?  To open your heart and mind with love, to understanding their point of view.  If there is anything Jesus taught us it is we are to have empathy and understanding for everyone.  Freedom in Christ isn’t easy… but it is necessary.  Daily I…

Don’t Limit God!

His question was “Are dinosaurs in the Bible?” When your 11 you are fascinated by dinosaurs… so am I.  As I told him no I also told him that I believe they existed during the time of creation before God made man.  To which I was asked “how, when it only took 6 days for…