To Be Humble!

67 times in scripture God and his son mention pride and the sin it is.  67 times God reminds us that pride is not of his heart but of this world.  Pride leads to judgement… judgement leads to more pride… excessive pride leads to loss of love.  Pride in our social standing…  in our worldly riches.  Pride in our country.  Pride in our ethnicity.  Pride in all the things we place importance on that do not matter.  How many times do we use pride in searching for a way to feel better about ourselves.  “Blessed are the humble in spirit for they shall look upon the face of God”.   When is the last time you put all pride aside and humbled yourself before the Lord? Our Savior humbled himself more than anyone ever will.  He deserves for us to try!!
I Love You!
Perry D. Hoover

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