God’s Master Plan!
He told me “you will never find a church like your vision”. I get so dismayed watching what we have turned Jesus’s love into. It’s a show. It’s about this rule or that. This lifestyle or that. When in fact Jesus’s life was about acceptance… compassion. Not condemnation or judgement! Church has become facebook in the flesh. Always putting on a good front in order to impress. Why does religion limit our Savior? When ministers sin or fall short why are they judged? Should they not be forgiven and still be allowed to lead? Why is their sin any different then ours? I have watched as religion excludes so many of God’s children. Jesus only rejected the religious elite. Those that thought they had no sin. Women for so many years were excluded from using their talents to serve God. When in fact the women that followed Christ were perhaps the most important part of his life. Many of the people that christian churches look down on are the ones Jesus hung out with. As St. Augustine said “What is now called Christian religion existed from the beginning of the human race”. Thank about that! Were Mayans, Babylonians, and Africans, just dress rehearsals for us? Is God really that ineffective? Is Gods love really that scarce? We act as though he needed to wait for Catholics, Protestants, and American evangelicals to appear before his divine love affair could begin. God has been in love with all his children from the very beginning. Fitting into the mold that our churches have developed was never part of his plan.
I Love You! Perry