Love = Joy!
Bird nest’s fascinate me. None more than that of a swallow. Under our carport is a swallow nest that has been there for years. Their nest is so well constructed that it can stay, for years, as a place to return to. They strategically place it somewhere out of the weather. They fasten it to the underside using mud and saliva. No one teaches them this art. As young birds they simply know how to build these amazing nest. As humans we are each born with the love of God in us. We don’t have to be taught how to love we simply know. Love is the energy that sustains the universe. God does not compete with that love instead God works in deep cooperation with everyone who loves. The point of the Christian life is not to distinguish oneself from the ungodly but to stand in radical solidarity with everyone and everything. Isn’t that what Christ was doing on the cross? Isn’t that the kind of love that was planted in us? The cross was God’s great act of solidarity instead of judgement. His greatest act of love. The cross was not about salvation as much as it was about teaching us how to love through sacrifice. Jesus did not come just for salvation. He came to bring out the love that is embedded in our hearts. He came to help us find our way to a life of true love. A life that will bring untold joy. True joy can only be found in love.
I Love You! – Perry