How BIG is YOUR tent?

I hear so much talk among Christians and the world, about sexual preference and transgender roles.  My thoughts always turn to Phillip and the Eunuch.  A Eunuch was a boy chosen because he had female characteristics.  He would then have his genitalia removed.  This would take away his desire and he would look very similar to a girl as he grew up.  He was then put in charge of the kings harem.  No worries… he is a Eunuch.  As the Eunuch was coming from temple he stopped to study the book of Isaiah.  An Angel told Phillip to go meet the Eunuch as he studied.  Long story short, Phillip baptized the Eunuch then disappeared. Did the Angel send Phillip for the Eunuchs sake or for Phillips sake?  I believe the encounter was to teach Phillip that even the sexual different have favor with God.  You can’t change from being a Eunuch, it’s impossible. However he was still saved.  When we talk about our tents (church) we wonder how many can we fit under it. Do we change their behavior to make them fit or do we enlarge and widen the tent?  Then I thought.  It’s not our tent… its Gods.  The size of the tent is only important insofar as it points to the Lord’s immeasurable love. How wide it is, is only important insofar as it encompasses his sacrifice and grace for all his children.  Christ tent excludes no one!  It includes everyone, everything and allows Jesus to be a God figure for the entire universe. So how BIG is YOUR tent?

I Love You! Perry

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