Divine Proportions!

As I travel down a street in Fort Worth named Lancaster, I pass thru the mission area. I have had to go that way many times, as of late. With each trip my heart hurts, and my spirit instantly turns to prayer.  The homeless souls are so numerous you would have difficulty counting them.  So many people look at the homeless, but they simply do not know what they are seeing. Some are talking to the fence, while others are sleeping on the concrete.  Poor souls that have lost their way.  As I look I see Christ… and I feel a oneness with each.  As followers of Christ we are to realize we are equally, fully one with every one of them.  We are to give witness to an awareness of what is right in front of us.  We are to pour out love whether it be in prayer for them or kindness.  Our mentor, Jesus, was always loving and accepting.  Entering into the spirit of Christ means we are to be of the same heart and mind as he was.  Meeting others right where they are at.  At this time of year, as everyones eyes and minds turn the birth of our Savior, we should practice a lifetime of Christlike love, for all people. Christlike love does not merely clamp a lid on hurt or anger. It doesn’t give someone a blank check of love to pretend we are something we are not.  Instead as Children of God our heart should enlarge to divine proportions just like the Grinch

I Love You! Perry

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