Christ Heart! – JoJo
He doesn’t even know it!
He doesn’t even know it!
He could not have been more than 18 years old. Standing on a corner in Fort Worth. Everything he owned on his back. As I lowered my window to help, I watched as he made the sign of the cross. My thoughts suddenly turned inward. Do I ever do things to look religious? When asked…
Our world… our view of heaven and God, seem to be driven by our human egos. I struggle with liking to play games. My family and friends love to spend time together playing cards, dominos, and such. Nearly everyone I know likes to watch sports and cheer for their favorite team. I struggle with it…
As I sat at my desk a call came thru the intercom. There is someone in the parking lot looking in cars and trying doors. As everyone rushed outside I caught a glimpse of the young man. Homeless… simply looking for a way to get a dollar. As I stood there watching him walk away…
Do you every wonder if the way you spend your time is pleasing to God? Lately I have been puzzled by the way I spend my time. Everything we do in life should serve one purpose. To bring glory to him. If your involved in ministry, is it for your glory or his? If you…
Do you ever feel lost in the desert? Deserted, desolate and lonely. As I have moved from understanding God as a rule maker with a iron fist, to knowing him as a loving God who accepts everyone right where they are at… I feel alone. Our society and our country are so fixated on a…