“Han”.  A Korean word for a sadness so deep that tears won’t come.  A sadness that is deep rooted in the soul.  

That gives me pause.  It seems that I encounter so many people, in my daily travels, that seem to be so sad.  People who look lost and burdened by the cares of this world.  Happiness can come and go but pure joy can never be lost.  Just like “Han”, which resides in the soul, unmeasurable joy lives there as well.   Happiness depends on circumstances but joy comes from Christ. Christ and only Christ can give you the peace that passes understanding. Regardless of your circumstance Christ can bring joy.  If you call yourself a Christ follower then “Han” should never be a part of you.  Let joy enter your soul.  Let it make its home there.  It will change your life and your relationship to everyone around you.

Philippians 4:7

I love you!


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