
Quantum Physics fascinates me!  Inside each atom, the building block that God used to make everything… there is a proton and a neutron.  Beyond that is so much more.   Inside the human body there is seven billon billon billon atoms.  That is seven with 27 zeros.  Space is endless and growing.  There is approximately 6 galaxies for every human.  The earth has the perfect amount of atmosphere, and oxygen, to sustain life.  Any more…any less… and we would all die.  That makes my head want to explode! The God I so diligently study and the God I read of in the bible is so much larger than our thoughts can allow.  My God orchestrated all of this and maintains it with his very thoughts. To me God is such a mystery but he boils down to one thing… pure love.  He is abounding, unrelenting love, and any attempt on our part to limit that love, I believe, is not of God.  Do we honestly think that all the rules and regulations we produce will somehow affect his ability to love his children?  Do you think this incomprehensible God would care about your sexual preferences, your chosen religion, your chosen lifestyle or your daily sin. Do you think when he orchestrated all of this, for us, he would turn his back over our simple inability to control ourselves?  The boundless God I read about will sooner or later render all our thinking obsolete.  That will include the words on this page and the words written in the scripture.  I am so thankful my God is that Incomprehensible!  

I Love You! Perry

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