Simply Jesus!

Eight years.  Eight years God has been using me to deliver the HJD message. For eight years I have been sending this message to the lead pastors of my church with no acknowledgment.  There are 8000 people who read HJD and many who use it to better their lives. However, my lead pastors do not react to its’ existence.  She made a choice and got pregnant her senior year.  The church came down so hard on her I had to make a statement asking people not to be so rude.  There seems to be so many reasons to steer clear of Christianity.  I truly understand why people make that choice.  Christianity is responsible for so many abominations:  the crusades, clergy and pastor sex scandals, Papal corruption, televangelist scams, lying, cheating and so many cover ups.  The list goes on but Christianity will survive. Christianity is run by humans.  Gods’ children.  But so was the temple in Rome who crucified my Savior.  Jesus took the time to eat with prostitutes.  He took the time to care about tax collectors.  Jesus was seen with, and friends with, every misfit he could find.  The leaders of the church… not so much. Christ looks to the heart.  A persons heart for those no one else will LOVE shows the true residing place of Christ.  When you take the time to love the homeless, the prostitute, the cross dresser and the drug addict you truly reflect the heart of Christ.  Christianity will survive.  WHY?  Because in the end there is simply Jesus.

I Love You! Perry  

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