The last first day was hard.  The last first day brought reality to the surface like a slap in the face.  Tuesday, August 13th was my grandsons last first day of school.  He is a senior this year and so many things will change.  It made me think of how the clock only moves in one direction.  Einstein said “time isn’t real. It’s all your perspective.” Time is different to everyone.  As a wise friend once told me.  Time is the most powerful force on the earth.  You can’t stop it.  It simply keeps going.  Change is inevitable.  Everything changes.  Our world.  Our relationships.  Our life.  Even the Bible and God changes as we come to better understand and live at an intimate level in his presence. Our Savior changes as we learn his heart and dig deeper into his grace.  The only thing that is unchangeable is the level of love that God and Christ has for us.  No amount of time can steal that from you… from me…  Love doesn’t live somewhere else. It lives in Christ who in turn lives in us. The love that Jesus taught was a love of giving.  Of sacrifice.  When we offer love looking for something in return it is in fact not love at all.  Time will march on… relentlessly… Change will happen daily.  But LOVE… true Christ driven love produces in us an unchangeable force that even time can’t alter.  My grandson has changed over the years, and will continue to.  However, my Jesus driven love for him will never change. No matter what the clock does.  I Love You! Perry  

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