I Am Broke!

As I met him for the first time he had questions.  How long have you owned this company?  How many employees are there?  It appears you have money.  My reply caught him by surprise… “I do not own the company, I have no assets and as for money… I was broke when I was born, …

Whatever It Takes!

As I sat at my desk a call came thru the intercom.  There is someone in the parking lot looking in cars and trying doors.  As everyone rushed outside I caught a glimpse of the young man.  Homeless… simply looking for a way to get a dollar.  As I stood there watching him walk away…

What’s On Your Screen?

As we all spend so much time on our phones.   As I watch so many spend endless time looking at a screen.  As I observe people on FB and so much social media… God put the following thought on my heart!  “What if I had made you with a screen on your chest that…

Eighteen Inches!

Eighteen inches!  Such a short distance… but a long journey.  Does your walk with God start in your head or your heart? It’s eighteen inches from one to the other.  Christ didn’t spend time telling people what they did wrong. He didn’t spend time telling of his wisdom.  He didn’t make a list of all…