Happiness In Hope!

Happiness In Hope!

Good or bad everyone we see or encounter each day is judging.  Is watching.  Is looking for who we are.  He was the host at a restaurant where we had reservations.  As we introduced ourselves he inquired as to how we were?  We simply said,  “we are terrific and how are you doing today”?  To…

Welcoming Doubt!

Doubt?  I use to think doubt was frightening.  To doubt the scripture, to doubt my religion, or to doubt my beliefs, brought anxiety to my soul. I have come to understand that doubt, brings contemplation, which leads me deeper into the heart of Christ. Doubt of all the beliefs we were taught, brings a faith…

Talk To Him!

Talk to him.   Not in formal prayer, although that is okay.  But talk to him.  Every minute, of everyday.  As you would a best friend or close spouse.  As your day progresses “Thank Him” continually for everything in your life.  Talk to him about problems. Talk to him about good things.  Many times as…

The Growth Of Faith!

Faith… as described by Jesus, always involved a heart of growth.   This time of year I am amazed, as I watch everything come back to life from a state of deep sleep.  Small seeds that dropped in the fall, become towering, beautiful plants, as the sun does its job.  Faith is the same.  As…

To Ponder His Love!

As sixty thousand pounds came out of the water, the emotion overtook me. This massive grey whale, made by God, was swimming not thirty yards from our boat.  All my heart felt was amazement, at the power of our God.  Ten miles in the ocean, no land in sight. The vast water does not rest….