
Sometimes I feel like life would be easier if I went along with the status quo.  However, God put in me a deep desire to question everything, and to search tirelessly for answers.  Whether it be medical, political, religious, or science I long to learn more… understand more.  I research always and look for different angles and different opinions on every subject.  So many I observe go to church each Sunday, and if the preacher says it, it must be true.  Many go to the doctor and if the doctor tells them to do it they don’t even question, they just follow.  I was born to question!  If the preacher says it, I want to know why he believes that way.  If the doctor tells me to take a pill, I want to know why and what will it do. Our Savior and our God wants us to live with an adventurous spirit… to search for answers.  Jesus was asked 183 questions in scripture and he only answered three.  He wants us to figure it out, on our own.  He in turn asked 307 questions which means he had a contemplative spirit.  Contemplation means:  When asked what I think about the resurrection of Christ how do I answer?  Whats more important the belief in the resurrection, or living a life of that belief?  When I let worry consume me am I living out that belief?  When I let others, who believe different than me make me uncomfortable, am I living out that belief?  Christ wants us to contemplate everything.  Let’s be a people who explore!  I Love You! Perry

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