Who Is My Neighbor?

No matter your belief.  No matter your choice of how you live.  If it does not end with you becoming stronger in love, it is wasted time.  The image of Christ is one of love. These are the fruits of Christ spirit:  “Love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” Do we live in America with these fruits? Does this land we call home center around such ideas? Can America become a place where God is experienced? Can it become a place where the justice and peace of God rules? Can it become a place where Jews, Muslims, and Christians celebrate together?  Could it be a place where black, white, gay, straight, refugee and native share the land and its resources, with the same rights, and embrace each other as fellow human beings and be joined with one another? The church you attend, or the club you are a part of, does it exist to show the world the resurrection?  If it ended today would anyone miss it, besides it’s members? Who would protest its absence?  Single mothers, refugees, atheist, the LGBT community?  The cross is for everyone.  Salvation is what happens when we all cry out from OUR sin.  Addictions, anger, rage, prejudice, hate, envy, lust, racism, ego, dishonesty… we each could make a list. All of OUR sin can only be covered by love.  Love for everyone, not just those we agree with.  Who is my neighbor?  Anyone on earth who has a breath.  

I LOVE YOU!  Perry

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