Slow Down – Feel God

Do you ever fill overwhelmed?  Do you fill a sense of urgency in your daily life? Why?  Lately I have felt that I have to get so much done each day or I wasted it.  As our Savior has shared HJD with me and asked me to share it with you I fill a sense…

Everyone Needs Love!

The absence of love is hatred.  It seems we have forgotten how to love with the spirit of God.  True love is seeing all the infinite in one.  It is seeing God in each person no matter how good or bad, no matter how big or small.  I have to ask is a hero’s blood…

Time Stood Still!

You don’t remember days you remember moments.  I try to take life day by day.  Then the world steps in and we plan… we calculate… we prioritize.  Then someone you love, someone that meant the world to you is called home and time suddenly stands still.  The world stops for a moment and you get…

Just A Baby?

He was a baby just like any other.  Born with pain. Born with blood.  Born naked and new to the world.  Ten fingers. Ten Toes.  Two feet. Two hands. Two eyes.  Feet that would walk mile after mile to teach his fathers love.  Feet that would one day hold up the sin of world as…

Our Salvation – Jesus!!

She was a virgin.  She knew it.  Her boyfriend knew it.  Everyone else?  I suppose even her parents thought other wise? She was young. She was innocent. She was well respected.  Until…  Then she was frightened.  Then she was ridiculed.  Then she was not welcome.  Then she had doubts.  What a radical God we serve. …

Why Did He Come?

This week as I left a christian school I encountered a statue of Mary holding her son after he had been removed from the cross. I can not see or think of that scene without pause and without tears. This time of year it is easy to get caught up in the lights… the presents……

We Should Never Hide!

How many times do we NOT say a prayer for fear of what others will think?  How many times do we go along with the crowd for fear of not being liked.  Have you ever put aside your beliefs in Christ because it might offend someone? This day, in China, North Korea, and sixty other…

The Lion of Christ

In Africa a lions roar is made to scare, made to intimidate.  A lions roar is made to show dominance.  Do you feel like satan is roaring extra loud?  Do you feel like the enemy is roaring none stop in an effort to scare, to intimidate?  There are days that his roar seems to overpower…

Giving Thanks

He waited and waited.  Days went by.  Then weeks.  Then months.  All he wanted was a simple “Thank You”.  All he got was one problem after another.  One request after another.  He had done so much for his children and yet he still just heard complaining.  It is so easy for us to get stuck…