Good or God?

His teaching was troublesome. As we observe so many nativity scenes they bring to mind the special nature of our Saviors birth. Each one made different but each one containing the same picture. His teaching was on the inaccuracy of the many nativities. Were the wisemen really there? Did they lay the gifts before the…
Take a moment… Close your eyes… Relax your spirit… Can you hear him? Can you feel his presence? Can you hear his whisper? Come with me! Daily he whispers. Come with me! He wants to show us pure joy that can’t be found without him. He wants to show us a peace…
Do you ever feel lost? Do you feel like you don’t belong… in the place where you find yourself? Lately I have felt lost! I look… I listen… I notice… I deal with and encounter others who seem to have no love or even thoughts of our Savior. I watch as people are so ugly…
How good is your imagination? Can you picture things in your mind! I want you to use your imagination… imagine what it feels like to be spat on? To be laughed at… thrown around by your hair. Imagine being beaten to the point that your face was swollen. Imagine what it feels like for your…
He was young and appeared to be homeless. As I came from the market I could hear the conversation. The young man had a look of despair and appeared to be cornered by an older gentleman. Young and homeless, but Gods child all the same. He was being preached at by a gentleman who looked…
We had to agree to disagree. After much discussion and no middle ground, my friend and I have agreed to disagree. Your interpretation of scripture and mine might be two different things. More often then not, that is the case. So who do you listen to. The Catholic priest? He was trained to look at…