Judgement or Love?

It’s so good to be back with you on this journey.  A journey to find the heart… the spirit… of our Lord.  To explore what it means to deeply love people. To long more for love, than to worry about right or wrong. 

Katie has spent her life in the pursuit, to love as Christ loves.  To show others, the same love she feels, from our Savior. Katie Davis left her privilege filled life of comfort.  As a teenager, she choose to move to Uganda and serve those people.  Not worrying about rules.  Not worrying about comfort.  Not worrying about who is right or who is wrong. Simply loving those in her path.  The same kind of life our Savior lived.  Is it better to live a fact – truth life?  Working each day to prove your interpretation of scripture to be the right one. To prove that they are sinners, more than me.  To prove they are not saved, but I am.  Or is it better to live a wisdom – truth life.  Working each day to love people as Christ loved them. Not worried about being right, or wrong.  Not worried about who is a sinner, and who is not. Simply loving as Christ loved.  True love means, not judging but leading.  True love means, meeting people right where they are. We are ALL full of sin. One as bad as the next. Regardless of our sin… Christ loves us.  He sees perfection, when we see disorder! 

 Luke 6:24 – 48 (MSG)

I Love You!


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