My Daily Prayer!


As I learn… as I grow… you reveal your spirit to me.  As I look into your eyes I have a heart that can not keep.  My greatest of fears is that you will leave me here.  Drowning in this water so deep, when I want nothing more than to walk with you.  I’m just a common man with  common fears.  I don’t like the doubt…  I don’t like the lack of trust, as satan tries to lead me in the wrong direction.  As I pray I want to become one with you.  I want to show the world your love… your heart… your grace.  Father, come into every part of my spirit and use me until you can’t use me anymore.  I give up my very soul, along with all of my heart,  my mind.  Take my life to your service.  Allow me to get out of the way, so the world sees only you.  Give me a faith that is so rock solid that nothing of this world can shake it.  Allow my life to speak of you to others. Father, my whole life is in your hands.  Mold me, as the potter molds the clay.  Turn me into a vessel for your love.

In your great name – AMEN!

Ephesians 1:15 – 19 (MSG)

I Love You!


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