One Love!

We had to agree to disagree. After much discussion and no middle ground, my friend and I have agreed to disagree.  Your interpretation of scripture and mine might be two different things. More often then not, that is the case.  So who do you listen to.  The Catholic priest?  He was trained to look at scripture from the Catholic prospective.  The Baptist or Methodist minister?  They were taught to look at scripture from that religions view point. There are 45,000 Christian religions in the world and over 200 just in America. So who is right and who is wrong? Does it matter… as long as we look to Jesus for our faith? Remember we are loved by a God who is too big for one-dimensional truths. It’s not that we hold paradox… it’s that paradox holds us. We are held in a deep place. A generous place. A loving place. Though we might fear paradox, God does not.  Only by surrendering to the deep mystery that is God can we truly know his heart.  Scripture may lead us in a direction but it is only through communion with our father that we can see the way.  Gods’ bible is not a text book to be studied for a final exam.  It is a recipe to fill your life with love and  compassion.  Nothing else matters. Nothing else leads to our God. We can never get it right.  We will usually get it wrong.  Only love is always right and will never be wrong. Only love leads to God!

I Love You! Perry

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