A Common Purpose!

There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies.  

—Martin Luther King Jr. 

In a world of so much hatred it is time we realize there is more that unites us then divides us.  At a time when the love of Christ is more important than ever, the wise build bridges and the foolish build walls.  We must all work together on this planet to unite humans… All Gods Children.  Until we learn that we are all in this together, under Christ, we will not move forward.  All suffering is God’s suffering.  God’s suffering should be our suffering. When that becomes a part of our hearts we will have less ego and more compassion.  We will be willing to live with less conveniences when we see our part in global warming.  We will speak more softly if doing so will help lessen human hatred.  We will stop circling the wagons around our own group in order to help us recognize our common humanity.  Life should not be about being correct… it should be about being connected.  Being in a right relationship is much better than just trying to be right.  Our world has become about being right instead of about being compassionate. Different religions disagree on who is right instead of looking to Jesus.  Different political parties argue instead of looking to what is best for everyone as a whole. Christ will come back someday and set it right. We could do that now. It starts with you.  It starts with me.   I Love You! – Perry

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