Human AND Divine!

Why does everything have to be either human or divine?  Are we not made in his image?  We believe that being human means we have to earn our way to being divine.  Are we not already divine by the holy spirit? Then why do we work so hard to earn his love?  Don’t we already…

Don’t Lose Sight!

I write the messages he puts on my heart.  I spend each morning with a prayer of thanksgiving for his grace…  for the blessings he so richly pours on my head.  As I reflect on the prayers… the writings… do I truly understand the level of favor I have.   We go from day to…

Where Is Your Heart?

Where do you find your heart?  When you lay down, is your heart on worldly matters or our Savior?  I see stickers “I heart my dog” – “I heart my state” – “I heart my country”.  I see people who plan their whole lives around a celebrity as if that person can bring salvation. Still …

God Has The Answers!

He was simply serving our food.  As I told him we were about to go to God I asked him if there was anything we could pray about. At that moment heartbreak covered his face.  The tears started to flow as he asked that we pray for his 25 year marriage that was in trouble. …

No Matter The Cost!

As I handed him a blanket and some money I could see the dirt.  I could smell the days on the street.  I could sense the  loneliness.  As I drove away I thought of all the homeless people I have helped but not one time have I offered a hug.  I told them of the…

Behind Us!

HATE…  Such a strong word that seems to be everywhere.  I see hate between people over ethnicity.  Hate between people over political differences.  Hate  because you believe different than I do.  I see hate because your life style doesn’t agree with mine… or your sexual preferences I don’t agree with.  Enough!!!  Our Savior, our King,…

When God Shows Up!

I went because I love the people who run it.  I was simply providing music not looking for anything special.  Just being helpful.  Then it happened…  God showed up with one of his angels.  An angel in the form of a four year old blind  girl leading a little horse.  Such a small petite frame…

What God Wants To Hear!

 The presence of God is not a place to bypass your emotions, but a place to process them! Are you angry… tell our Savior.  Are you disappointed… tell our Lord.  Are you worried… tell our Maker.  Do you feel like complaining… tell God about your complaint.  You simply can not fight the battles of your…


I see people looking excited that a Texas team was in the final four.  They wear jerseys.  They cheer endlessly.  I see Tiger Woods throw his hands in the air over the victory he worked so hard for.   Then I ponder… don’t we have a victory thru Christ, that more than anything, should cause…

Oh How He Loves Us!

I keep seeing him carrying the cross!  It brings weeping… It brings deep sadness to my heart as I picture it. Imagine lifting a crosstie on your shoulder.  Imagine  doing that after your back was beaten to the point that muscle, ribs and tendons were exposed. Imagine the burning in your muscles as you were…