Birthing Love!
I am sitting alone in our family room. This room was once filled with large amounts of love and laughter now sits silent. The packages are gone and the food has been devoured. I sit in silence thinking how incredible this time of year is and how I never want it to end. Then I realize, it doesn’t have to. Just like Mary said yes when asked by God if she would bare his son, God is asking us the same. We are asked daily to be the womb for the love and joy that comes from carrying Jesus in our hearts, for all to see. The spirit that we all feel this time of year need not end if we are willing to simply be a virgin and give birth to Christ in our daily lives. I cherish this time of year because daily, for at least a month, the music I hear… the songs we sing… the things we see… is all centered around our Savior. Every aspect of Christmas is about the celebration of his birth. I feel more love in the air. More kindness in people. A sense of belonging to each other that I only feel during the season of his birth. He is asking us to carry those attributes to each other the rest of the year. Just like Mary we are to be the conduit by which he enters this earth. Every time we show love. Every time we extend kindness his heart shines thru. Allow your heart to be pregnant with his spirit and give birth to love this new year.
I LOVE You! – Perry