He Is Enough!

Jesus, through out his life was demonstrating one principle.  The only thing that matters is faith, expressing itself in love.  Later the mystic Paul, thru visions and communion with Christ was about conveying one concept.  The only thing that matters is faith, expressing itself in love.  As I prayed for her healing.  As I asked for what we wanted. I heard him say to me “when did I stop being enough?”  We spend years, months, weeks and hours studying. We believe that more knowledge will save us.  We believe that if we study enough.  Pray enough. It will produce correct thinking.  So many of us believe we have to act a certain way.  Live a certain way. Follow a certain way of thinking, in order to be saved.  In our minds that works… until the doctor shares the diagnoses.  Then all that matters is not what you believe… as much as who you believe.  At that point it doesn’t matter what religion you call yourself.  How many hours you have studied. Doesn’t matter how many years you have gone to a building to worship.  All that matters is your belief in God… and his son.  Mostly you believe he can heal.  Love becomes more important than rules.  Love of God, Love of family, and Love of friends.  I believe in my heart that one way or another, God will heal this person I love. That faith. That love. Is all that matters.  2 Timothy 1:13 (MSG)

I Love You!


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