To Be A Better Teacher!

We could all be better teachers.  Being a good teacher is more than what is in a book.  It’s a lifestyle that leaves an indelible impression on those around us. Jesus constantly looked for teachable people—people who would look beyond appearances and not make snap judgments. He warmed to those who asked honest questions. And…

The Jesus Principle

Happy Jesus Day Do you live with the Jesus Principle? When God put this thought in my head I had to ask: What Does He Mean?  I believe with my heart it is a way of life that looks to Christ in everything… for guidance in every situation.  When faced with conflict.  When faced with…

Ego Separates Us!

Our egos are the part of our hearts, that not only separates us from God but from each other.  I have watched as people I love, allow a relationship that has the potential to be a gift, erode like the dirt of a nearby creek.  They allow erosion to happen, before speaking from the heart,…

Hear Him Whisper!

Take a moment…   Close your eyes…   Relax your spirit…   Can you hear him?  Can you feel his presence?  Can you hear his whisper? Come with me!  Daily he whispers. Come with me!  He wants to show us pure joy that can’t be found without him.  He wants to show us a peace…

Love Decentered!

Hatred means there is a deficit of understanding.  Daily I see so much hatred. Hatred for groups that live a life that is different.  Those that may have been born in the wrong body.  Those that may have been born with different preferences.  Those that have been born with different skin, different beliefs or different…

It’s What You See!

As I ride thru the Pacific side of Mexico I am reminded of how truly blessed I am.  We had stopped at the oldest brick making operation in Mexico. As we entered I expected to see machinery.  I was amazed to see none of that. Instead I saw men, using mud, and manure to produce…


It started on a Wednesday and got bigger the following Tuesday.  Betrayal. Deceit. Selfishness. All in an effort to get ahead.  I never thought they would leave my side. These people I love.  Some people I have poured my heart and resources into. Friends and those I love being hateful… devious… in an effort to…

The Dance!

Friday… is the day that we reserve for each other.  Friday is the day when we let the cares of the week scatter like leaves in the wind, and we devote our time to each other.  Her question was very simple: “Do You Love Me?”.  My beautiful wife while sitting at a red light, on…

Climbing The Mountain!

Do you ever have a week… or two… or five… where you wonder what went wrong?  Did the moon and stars forget to orbit? Was there a shift in the balance of nature that caused everything to go haywire?  My last two months I have felt as though satan is punching me in the head….

A Morning Prayer!

Father today, use me, until you can’t use me any longer.  All I have to give, is my life in service to you.  I lift up my hands and I praise you… again and again.  I feel so weak, and so inadequate to be your child.  I struggle daily to understand the path… the reason……