Seeing Without Eyes!

Oh to see, without my eyes!  Have you ever thought how our eyes deceive us?  We judge based on looks.  Based on lifestyle.  Her vision was taken from her at age six to save her life.  I pray for her, when I think of all she is missing.  I for one, enjoy the vision of…

Judgement or Love?

It’s so good to be back with you on this journey.  A journey to find the heart… the spirit… of our Lord.  To explore what it means to deeply love people. To long more for love, than to worry about right or wrong.  Katie has spent her life in the pursuit, to love as Christ…

Being All In!

47 years.  47 years and I am still a mediocre guitar player.  I watch John Meyer, Stevie Ray Vaughn, and I wonder why I’m not that good.  Then one day it hit me.  I have never been all in.  I have never dedicated all my time… my life… to being an amazing player.  As I…

Love! It’s All There Is!

His questions were warranted.  “How do I reconcile the violence in the world today and in the bible?  God wiped out whole nations of people even after he killed everyone except for Noah? I was taught he is a loving, merciful God, yet I read of his destruction and today I see his people being…

Give More / Take Less!

As I talked with some students my question was simple.  “Do your parents let others in front in traffic?”  Do they offer their place standing in line?”  Overwhelmingly the response was “are you joking?” My heart is heavy and my burden is great. People take, and take, and take.  We live our lives wondering what…

He Is Enough!

Jesus, through out his life was demonstrating one principle.  The only thing that matters is faith, expressing itself in love.  Later the mystic Paul, thru visions and communion with Christ was about conveying one concept.  The only thing that matters is faith, expressing itself in love.  As I prayed for her healing.  As I asked…

Drunk On His Love!

I love, being in love, with you father.  It’s like a fine wine as it gets older.  It becomes smooth, easy and more joyful.  Daily I get drunk on your love… your grace.  It brings such joy, such peace, such understanding to my existence.  I drink it in, and allow it to move through every part of my soul.  As I…

Love For Everyone!

The comment I heard from the christians was “we don’t want our kids around those undesirable people”.  As I walked straight into the crowded street of Belize my friends were questioning “should we be here?”. “These are God’s people” I replied and I have on his armor.  We live in a world of judgement. A…

Living In The Flow!

Living In The Flow!

At an early age I could hear the music. I could see it everywhere.  I could feel it in my soul, and hear it in my head.  As a gift from God, I learned to play the guitar without lessons. Music is not about notes on a page, or theory in books.  You have to…

Happiness In Hope!

Happiness In Hope!

Good or bad everyone we see or encounter each day is judging.  Is watching.  Is looking for who we are.  He was the host at a restaurant where we had reservations.  As we introduced ourselves he inquired as to how we were?  We simply said,  “we are terrific and how are you doing today”?  To…