Standing In Awe!

I stood in AWE!  I stood with wonderment and tears, beholding Gods’ mighty hand.  Standing at the foot of a four hundred foot waterfall, the power is overwhelming. Then my eyes turn to the Mendenhall Glacier.  Ice that is thousands of years old, in a valley that was shaped by Gods hand.  Thinking to myself, this did not happen by accident.  To believe all of this came together, as a fluke of nature, is simply impossible. To stand still and feel the presence of God is not something to be taken lightly.   As the huge sixty thousand pound whales come out of the water, ten at a time to feed, tears flowed and family members hugged from shear excitement… amazement… and a sense of thankfulness.  Everywhere you looked you could see God.  His presence shining forth in this amazing world he built.  I prayed a prayer of thanksgiving, realizing he did not have to make our world so incredibly beautiful. Then to think that everything is spiritual.  Everything bears witness to him and his mighty power.  The point of the Christian life is to stand in solidarity with everyone and everything. This is the full, final, and intended effect of the crucifixion. At that moment, God, through Christ, stood in solidarity with the whole earth.  We are to stand the same. Doing whatever is needed to protect his world and each other. Each and everyday it is our reasonability to take care of the things he trusts us with.  He did it all out of love… caring is how we love him back.

I Love You!


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