Forgive Them!

One Friday… this Friday… as he hung in unthinkable pain he looked down, then lifted his voice to his Abba.  “Father forgive them, they don’t know what they are doing”. Growing up I always believed that he was talking about his crucifixion. He was forgiving them for his torture, his humiliation, his pain.  Through contemplation…

A Glimpse Of Heaven!

I could stay wrapped in your arms forever!    Do you ever feel so close to our Savior that it feels like he is wrapping you in love?  There are days, after deep prayer, that I feel so close to him that everything else seems to fade away.  I can feel his presence…  I can…

Jesus Excitement!

When she saw the name “Jesus” her excitement overwhelmed… she stop me to say so.  I had on a HJD shirt and she made an effort to share her excitement.  It was one of the most refreshing things I have experienced in a long while.  No pretense. No apprehension about my lifestyle. No worry about…

Is God Love Or Not?

God doesn’t just love. God IS love.  In the greek, God is described as AGAPE love.  The highest form.  In 1st Corinthians 13:3, Paul gives a definition of agape love.  So the question asked of me was: “if God is love then can I put God in place of love when reading that verse”.  Sure. …

A Love Shower!

I find myself in most situations looking to others for lessons.  Observing, pondering, looking to behavior in an effort to see God.  To see Christ.  As I watched from across the restaurant, she walked up with no acknowledgement from him. Kids in tow, but still no pause to smile or look in her direction. My…

My Prayer To See!

Here I am closing my eyes again.  Trying so hard, not to see, all the things that I see. Closing my eyes to the things, that are not as I think they should be.  Then here I am opening my eyes again and I see you. The love in your eyes, is the thing, that…


Imagination.  It has always fascinated me.  I spend my days inside my imagination. In everything I do, I imagine it in my mind.  I picture it in my inner being. When building something, or creating things, my imagination has always served me.  I use my imagination as I deal with others.  I imagine Christ in…

Love Never Rest!

Our ability to love is never at rest, and so therefore can never be complete. We were in Denver for a long weekend. Sixteenth street, with its’ homeless, moves my heart in the way of Christ.  He simply had several five gallon buckets and a discarded skillet or two. With two drumsticks, the sound coming…

Love Matters More!

How does a man find his own heart?  We look in the mirror and we see our reflection looking back.  We see pictures of the shell that God granted us. That shell, we spend so much time on, simply doesn’t matter.  Our mission… our goal… is to find our heart.  When God, with Christ, said…

Removing The Log!

He came into our office looking for a job.  Fourteen years ago he stole, and it seems he will never be forgiven. When they brought me his record I said “give him a chance… Jesus would.”  They brought him to my office and you would have thought I gave him a million dollars.  I have…