He Will Wait!

We had gone into American Eagle on a routine shopping trip.  I skimmed thru the mens’ department, the way most men do.  I then found a spot to stand.  A couple of minutes turned into many, and she was still trying on clothes.  So I waited.  People asking if they could help me.  If they…

The Flow Of Our Spirit!

As I stood beside the mighty Mississippi, I came to a quiet realization of our spirit. The flowing of such a body of water never stops.  Day and night without ceasing, it flows.  It bends and turns.  It has a life all its own, but is never stops.  Downward… always downward… toward something so much…

Everyone Is Sacred!

Until we understand that Christ, is at the center of everything, and everyone, we will continue down a path of destructive disconnection we see so clearly in the world today. We live in a ego driven, dualistic society.  I’m right and you’re wrong.  I’m on the left, you’re on the right and we can’t learn…

The Silence of Love!

The silence of snow.  It was a Thursday.  The loud part of the storm had already come and the gentle part still remained.  The snow started to fall, and the flakes got larger and more robust.  I dressed for the occasion, and went for a walk.  There is a silence in the snow.  A silence…

Teach Me Patience!

Do you ever have those days when you are fed up with Gods’ children?  As I drive, I sense anger at the person driving to slow, because they are texting.  I get honked at by a girl, who came into my turn lane, because she didn’t pay attention to the sign. She was texting.  The…

Being Gods’ Child!

You say you love me, but I don’t know how to be your child.  You say you have grace untold for me, but I don’t deserve it.  You fill my life with favor, with blessings too numerous to count, but I don’t know why. You lead me down paths that lead to you, but so…

The Joy Of Grace!

As I stand in the wind of a cold front, it feels as though it’s coming from all directions.  It whips and turns, gusts and slows.  It refreshes one minute, and brings shivers the next.  As I feel it coming from this way, then that way.  I think of the spirit of Jesus, and the…

Amazing Love!

I stand at the window of my warm home, and I cry at the amazing world our father made for us.  The beauty of the snow coming down.  As I listen to John Denver, on the Alexa, I cry at the amazing gift of sight, sound and senses, to experience such a magnificent view and…

Knowing God!

True knowledge of God doesn’t come from a book… a degree.  True knowledge of our father, comes from an intimate relationship with him.  Lorna and I have been married for 38 years.  During that time we have been intimate so many times I can’t count.  We know each other from every detail,  every angle.  We…

A Hall Of Mirrors!

We had been to an interesting museum. We were lost in a maze of mirrors.  If you have never been in a mirror maze, you get so lost, because each way you turn, looks like the last.  It wasn’t until I looked past the mirrors, that I started to see a way out. As I…