Jesus’ Eyes!

  To have him look at me!! Can you feel him look at you?  Do you feel the penetrating love of those eyes?  Matthew had seen him from afar.  He had witnessed miracles.  As a tax collector he wanted to know more of this man Peter called Jesus.  Then it happened!  Christ stopped and looked…

Just Ask!

Thirty seven times.  Thirty Seven!!   H2O became wine.  Evil spirits ran in fear.  Fish jumped into nets at his calling.  Leprosy vanished with a touch.  Small fish and simple bread fed thousands with a thought.  Walking on water – no problem.  Blindness vanished with a little spit and mud.  Even a simple touch of…

God’s Child!

Oh how I love being your child!  Each morning I am offered a new day to love and praise you.  A new day to talk to you.  To marvel at your love.  The world and its’ parade tries to still our time.  Hurry from here to there.  This phone call and that meeting.  All the…

God Is Tired!

I am so tired!  My heart tells me that God is tired too!  Tired of all the hatred.  Tired of all the lies.  Tired of all the judging.  Tired of all the selfishness.  Since the time of scripture… since the time of Adam and Eve… we have spent lifetimes worried about what is best for…

Hear His Whisper!

Take a moment…   Close your eyes…    Relax your spirit…   Can you hear him?  Can you feel his presence?  Can you hear his whisper? Come with me!  Daily he whispers. Come with me!  He wants to show us pure joy that can’t be found without him.  He wants to show us a peace…

Trust = Love!

Do you ever think what is the greatest way to show love to someone?  Is it thru gifts? Is it thru words?  Is it thru actions or simply by noticing?  Then my thoughts turn to, how do I show my deepest love to the God who made me?  Trust!!  When you trust God you show…

All It Takes!

He is a liar!  He delights in chaos!  He cheers as we dislike others.  As we see differences in ourselves, he dances.  He finds pleasure as he watches us look at others with hatred instead of seeing our Savior in them.  He lives to divide, to cause fear, and to make us turn from the…

Chasing Your Giant!

God is God and I am not.    He was so big!  Muscles the size of melons.  His armor… it glimmered in the sun.  His spear alone weighed more than I do.  I would be afraid if it not for the living God who stands beside me.   The living God will give me victory. …

Never Enough!

All the love in this world.  All the worship that can be done… will never be enough for me.  I speak with him nonstop on  those days.  I marvel at his love.  At his blessings.  At his never ending grace.  I worship his amazing creation.  I see… and smell… and feel… all the wonders of…

Praying Hard!

How hard do you pray?   She struggled to come into this world.  After being late she had a rough birth and time in the neonatal intensive care unit was a must.  Our daughter was born with complications. Holding her meant a fight with wires, with machines, with gowns, with masks.  As I got home…