Lights, Tree, Presents!

I woke early this morning.  Made my way to my chair, where each morning I study and pray for an hour, to get my day started. This morning I am focused on admiring the tree… the presents… and to ponder this holy day of our Saviors’ birth.  For some today is about presents. For some…

Why A Stable?

He was a baby just like any other.  Born with pain. Born with blood.  Born naked and new to the world.  Ten fingers. Ten Toes.  Two feet. Two hands. Two eyes.  Feet that would walk mile after mile, to teach his fathers love.  Feet that would one day hold up the sin of world, on…

Why Mary?

Mary… This time of year my thoughts can’t help but turn to her. I think of how young… how innocent she was.  I think of how brave she must have been.  How much she must have been in love with God.  I wonder?  If God ask me to do something as questionable as he asked…

Maybe It’s Simple!

One hundred and eighty three times Jesus was asked a question.  He only directly answered three.  What if Jesus’ message was hidden and most everyone is missing it?  What if his message was for all religions… all people… and we are so caught up in what we want to believe, we are missing the deepest…

Love Never Rest!

As my wife and I got our room assignment I was surprised when I saw the number.  Thirty six floors is a long way up!  As I stand at the window, looking over Denver, I see many highways full of cars. Each with people in them.  I look down and thousands of people are moving…


I have baptized many in my life.  When I baptized our son, at thirteen, I was told by the man directing baptism to make sure I got all of him under the water.  He then proceeded to tell me that if I didn’t, he wouldn’t be saved! YOUR JOKING! At thirteen I was baptized myself. …

Humble Strength!

Breakfast on a ship is one of my favorite times.  I arose early to beat the crowd.  I found a seat that faced the window, which afforded me a chance to see the ocean moving past.  It was peaceful, and a good time to observe my surroundings.  She came past my table many times.  Each…

A New Genesis!

Many years ago I tried to play golf.  My dad and father-in-law were avid golfers, so I tried.  Turns out, it is not for me.  There is one term in golf I used a lot.  Mulligan!  It’s a golf term for a do over.  Jesus life and death produced for us a new genesis.  A…

We Are Good!

Woke up running. Early meeting. Busy day ahead. The hours flew by. Before I knew it the day was over, and the Sun was setting.  As evening arrived and I finally got still, I took time to apologize to my Savior, for not spending time with him. I hoped he would understand. As I always…

Labels Or Love?

I saw him from afar.  Feminine ways… small amount of makeup… and a piece of ladies clothing.  As my wife saw tears in my eyes she asked what I was thinking.  Not critique… but empathy.  Worried about what he goes thru.  The teasing. The hatred. The judgement.  I prayed he would stay strong. Think deeply…