Removing The Log!

He came into our office looking for a job.  Fourteen years ago he stole, and it seems he will never be forgiven. When they brought me his record I said “give him a chance… Jesus would.”  They brought him to my office and you would have thought I gave him a million dollars.  I have…

His Dream For Us!

We never know when it will happen.  We try to orchestrate it, but it must come naturally. It happens to me more, as I live deeper in the spirit.  I have a better understanding what it is… when it comes into being.  When unmatched beauty brings tears.  When being in the presence of God created…

The Mission!

When she asked me about Happy Jesus Day tears filled my eyes and a lump formed in my throat.  As she placed her hand on my arm she said “I didn’t mean to upset you”.  I explained the burden that weighs on me. The burden that comes with this mission.  A mission that others have…

It’s All Gods Gift!

Cowboy hat. Boots with holes.  Large belt buckle, made him look like a skinny cowboy.  He was on the corner, near the supermarket I always visit.  Weather had already turned cold so he was shivering with his cardboard sign.  As I rolled down my window to bless him with twenty dollars, I asked about his…

Heaven… Here and Now!

The day was like any other… but on this day I had to spend a lot of time behind the windshield.  As always I listened to God music. However, this day it all came together in my mind. In a place in my soul… that only God can reach.  I felt a peace that passes…

Lights, Tree, Presents!

I woke early this morning.  Made my way to my chair, where each morning I study and pray for an hour, to get my day started. This morning I am focused on admiring the tree… the presents… and to ponder this holy day of our Saviors’ birth.  For some today is about presents. For some…

Why A Stable?

He was a baby just like any other.  Born with pain. Born with blood.  Born naked and new to the world.  Ten fingers. Ten Toes.  Two feet. Two hands. Two eyes.  Feet that would walk mile after mile, to teach his fathers love.  Feet that would one day hold up the sin of world, on…

Why Mary?

Mary… This time of year my thoughts can’t help but turn to her. I think of how young… how innocent she was.  I think of how brave she must have been.  How much she must have been in love with God.  I wonder?  If God ask me to do something as questionable as he asked…

Maybe It’s Simple!

One hundred and eighty three times Jesus was asked a question.  He only directly answered three.  What if Jesus’ message was hidden and most everyone is missing it?  What if his message was for all religions… all people… and we are so caught up in what we want to believe, we are missing the deepest…

Love Never Rest!

As my wife and I got our room assignment I was surprised when I saw the number.  Thirty six floors is a long way up!  As I stand at the window, looking over Denver, I see many highways full of cars. Each with people in them.  I look down and thousands of people are moving…