
Do you truly appreciate the fascination of it all?  Every minute, of everyday, provides a moment for wonderment at Gods’ world. At Gods’ power.  As I sit in Radio City Music Hall, waiting for the show to begin, I am filled with awe to the point of tears.  The history… the grandeur…the ability to see…

A Lover’s Life!

The light of Christ that shone from her, illuminated the room. We had a rather trying day.  Airport mishaps and hotel mistakes.  As we checked into yet another hotel, she greeted us with open arms. Her smile was contagious, and her first words to us were “I’ve been waiting for you”.  She offered us love……

Jesus Needs Us!

Mary was so young. So scared… but so trusting.  Jesus… a baby like any other.  Carried for nine months and born of blood… of pain.  As she held him close, she could feel his beating heart.  As she gazed upon his face, she could tell he was hungry.  Like all babies he needed food… he…

Life Changed!

As I sit in this large restaurant, there are so many people. Waiters and waitresses.  Buss boys and cooks.  Everyone rushing around.  People are busy eating and visiting.  It gives me pause.  I think on the hustle and bustle, of Bethlehem this night.  The streets were crowded.  The taverns where filled to overflowing.  The hotels…

Joseph’s Burden!

I’m not sure what I am to do.  My future wife is pregnant, and it is not mine.  How can I stay with her?  She is disgraced among our people.  How can I be expected to raise this baby, as if it were mine?  There was this angel.  I think it was an angel… it…

Greatest Love!

So many days, my thoughts turn to the love of our Savior.  I think about all the things he did, because he loves us.  He made food taste amazing.  He made the world look spectacular.  He put love in our soul, so we would find joy in each other.  He gave us eyes to see,…

He Was Fully Human!

Do you find it hard to think of Christ in human terms?  To think of him as a person, just like you… like me?  Not until we grasp that concept, will we fully understand the importance of his birth… his death… his resurrection.  He was fully human.  He had odor after a long hard day. …

Loving God!

Some days I see him on the corner, near our house.  His legs are so bent, he would fall over, if it weren’t for his cane.  He can’t speak. One of his hands is deformed and of not much use. To take a blessing, he has to balance on his cane, in order to use…

Grateful Heart!

Seven thirty.  As I walked outside, the temperature was perfect.  The sun was shining thru the trees, as to create beams of light.  A few clouds billowed in the sky.  Pure joy came over me.  My hands flew into the air.  Laughter came from deep inside.  I shouted “Father thank you for such a magnificent…

Don’t Need Proof!

As we toured the museum, and the replica of Noahs’ Ark, a strange feeling came over me.  I was almost ashamed, at the amount of money the founder had spent, in an effort to prove his point and disprove another.  He had invested millions, with the purpose of trying to prove that the word of…