Reconciling Sin!

The love our God has for us is so immense that words can not explain. He created us in his image and shared with each of us a portion of his spirit.  He wanted nothing more than for us to love him back.  For us to be devoted to him.  Pure love is free choice….

My Daily Prayer!

Father As I learn… as I grow… you reveal your spirit to me.  As I look into your eyes I have a heart that can not keep.  My greatest of fears is that you will leave me here.  Drowning in this water so deep, when I want nothing more than to walk with you.  I’m…

Love Ripples!

I watch the ripples a rock makes in the water.  I ponder how each of us affects the other.  Like ripples in the water our lives and the way we live it affects the next, then the next, then the next.   As they argued satan took over his thoughts and convinced him to kill…

Give Thanks Always!

He is fully human.  He is fully God.  He embraces the spirit, as the three live in each other.  This is a Savior who through the Trinity climbs into our lives and makes beauty out of our mess… out of our pain… out of our sin.  This is a God who can take the ugliest,…


I grieve… I mourn… I sometimes cry uncontrollably… Gandhi.  Dr King.  Kennedy.  Lincoln.  Lennon.  Evers.  Our Savior Jesus Christ…  all killed simply because they stood for peace… for love!  I have great trouble understanding why?  Understanding the struggle between Gods’ children.  Why do we use skin color. Race. Differences in opinion. Nationality… as an excuse…

Bone Deep Love!

As we all sit in a circle the question was “what do you get from your spouse”?  After listening to all the desires, all the wants, from the others, I simply answered “I expect nothing from Lorna except to love me”.  Love is free choice.  As the two of us are soulmates our love does…

Love Is All That Matters!

Matthew Chapter 22.  During times like these when anxiety fills the air  We must remember that we are all more alike than different…   Christ would love first.  During times like these when there is so much division the wise build bridges while the foolish build barriers…    Jesus would love first.   As we…

I Am Broke!

As I met him for the first time he had questions.  How long have you owned this company?  How many employees are there?  It appears you have money.  My reply caught him by surprise… “I do not own the company, I have no assets and as for money… I was broke when I was born, …

Whatever It Takes!

As I sat at my desk a call came thru the intercom.  There is someone in the parking lot looking in cars and trying doors.  As everyone rushed outside I caught a glimpse of the young man.  Homeless… simply looking for a way to get a dollar.  As I stood there watching him walk away…

What’s On Your Screen?

As we all spend so much time on our phones.   As I watch so many spend endless time looking at a screen.  As I observe people on FB and so much social media… God put the following thought on my heart!  “What if I had made you with a screen on your chest that…