The True Shibboleth!

Faith is the true shibboleth to determine the people of God.    Shibboleth was a Hebrew term used as a password to determine if you were an Ephraimites in the book of Judges.  I see so little faith during this season of our lives.  I worry about those that claim to be people of God…

Uncertainty – I Think Not!

Uncertainty is not a word that should be part of our thoughts.  I keep hearing commercials… people talking… ads that claim this is an uncertain time.  That we must face the future with a new normal…  with new focus…  Uncertainty?  God is still on his throne.  Christ is still sitting to his right.  The holy…

A Glimpse Of Heaven!

I could stay wrapped in your arms forever!    Do you ever feel so close to our Savior that it feels like he is wrapping you in love?  There are days, after deep prayer, that I feel so close to him that everything else seems to fade away.  I can feel his presence…  I can…

The Illusion of Control!

There is beauty… and peace… in chaos, if your heart is in the right place.   Six years ago after not feeling like I should, I went to get tested.  As it turns out my testosterone was extremely low.  So now, I go every Thursday for a shot.  The week after all this chaos started…

He Has Risen!

She saw him but wasn’t quite sure who he was?  He seems familiar but I can’t quite place who he is.  He must have taken my Lord and I need to know where  they have put his body so I can care for him.  Mary had loved our Savior deeply because he was the only…

Silent Saturday!

I woke this morning wishing it was just a nightmare!  I’m still in shock from the cruelty, the agony, and the shame of yesterday.  I know he is the son of the living God.  I saw the miracles… I saw the healing.  I never thought I would turn my face from him. I certainly didn’t…

Imagine His Pain!

How good is your imagination?  Can you picture things in your mind!  I want you to use your imagination… imagine what it feels like to be spat on?  To be laughed at… thrown around by your hair.  Imagine being beaten to the point that your face was swollen.  Imagine what it feels like for your…

Stop and Listen!

Do you remember 9/11?  Most can tell you what they were doing…  where they were…  As I think on disasters, I find one thing to be true.  It brings people back to God.  After 9/11 churches were full.  Children that had lost their way to God, found him again.  We have a God… that wants…

Here I Will Wait!

If satan has parties, right now he is having a big one.  Social distancing… closed borders… walls instead of bridges… fear over faith…  no one gathering to worship… people looking every way but up… oh yes if satan has parties to celebrate victories he is having a huge one right now.  As he spoke to…

Where Are You Looking?

Fear… simply fear!  Fear of sickness.  Fear of death.  When we lose sight of God.  When we lose sight of his son, fear sits in…. as we have all seen recently.   Thru the madness… I will keep my eyes on Jesus.  Thru the sickness… I will keep my eyes on Jesus.  Thru the attack…