My Love Prayer!

Father, I’m not really sure why you love me?  I know you do. I know you made me in your image, but most days I feel so unworthy.  Most days I look at my sin… my actions… my attitude… and I wonder how ashamed you are of me?  Then my mind turns to your son. …

Back In The Box!

As I watched them put the puzzle back in the box, after so much time finishing it, our lives came to mind. If you waste the time… talents… and blessings that God has given you, then at the end of your life everything goes back in the box.  If your days are full of nothing…

True Faith!

Do you ever feel as though your faith is weak? Days you feel like he is not to be found?   If your like me there are times you pray… times you ask for help… and you hope God answers. You hope he shows up. Then satan takes over and deep inside your not sure! …

Loving Others!

So why do we look at the differences in people instead of the love that Jesus sees? He looks dirty!  That man looks scary!  I should stop and talk to her but she smells!   As humans we put value  and importance on those we love and know… more than those we don’t. For me,…


“Han”.  A Korean word for a sadness so deep that tears won’t come.  A sadness that is deep rooted in the soul.   That gives me pause.  It seems that I encounter so many people, in my daily travels, that seem to be so sad.  People who look lost and burdened by the cares of…

The Simplicity of God!

The sticker read: “God said it, I believe it, That settles it!!”  Simplicity.  In a world that seems to be out of control with complexity it gives my heart peace to know that we worship a God that is so simple.  Our sinful nature has produced a world full of complexity and values that are…

Why Do Christmas?

This Christmas my heart has felt heavy with a burden of the things I see.   Two thousand years ago our Savior sacrificed the glories of heaven out of a deep love for us.   He come to this earth, as an infant, in order that we might have life.  As I attend Christmas parties……

Why Did He Come?

Lately I have pondered what Christ thought as he prepared to come to earth to live with us.  As he left his heavenly home, in the comfort of his father.  As he gave up the glory of heaven to enter the womb of Mary.  He must have agonized over his horrifying death.  He must have…

Hug Day!

Thursday is hug day for me.   Every Thursday for several years now I go by the place where our son and daughter work and I give them a hug.  Today as I hugged my amazing children I thought of how deep my love is for them.   I then thought of our God.  As…