Talk To Him!

Talk to him.   Not in formal prayer, although that is okay.  But talk to him.  Every minute, of everyday.  As you would a best friend or close spouse.  As your day progresses “Thank Him” continually for everything in your life.  Talk to him about problems. Talk to him about good things.  Many times as…

The Growth Of Faith!

Faith… as described by Jesus, always involved a heart of growth.   This time of year I am amazed, as I watch everything come back to life from a state of deep sleep.  Small seeds that dropped in the fall, become towering, beautiful plants, as the sun does its job.  Faith is the same.  As…

To Ponder His Love!

As sixty thousand pounds came out of the water, the emotion overtook me. This massive grey whale, made by God, was swimming not thirty yards from our boat.  All my heart felt was amazement, at the power of our God.  Ten miles in the ocean, no land in sight. The vast water does not rest….

Bone Deep Love!

As we all sit in a circle the question was; “what do you get from your spouse”?  After listening to all the desires, all the wants from the others, I simply answered “I expect nothing from Lorna except to love me”.  Love is a free choice.  As the two of us are soulmates, our love…

There Is A Battle!

He battled. Daily Jesus battled.  He spent his time in a never ending battle with evil.  With demons. With Satan.  He stood strong and fought well, but in the end… he was crucified.  He was tortured… beaten… scarred… and taken to Hell.  Then in a moment, he woke, he rose, and he walked again.  They…

Torture and Love!

We tend to glamorize it.  We even make beautiful jewelry out of it.  We don’t want to face the truth.  The whip had metal, and bone, in the ends.  As Jesus was struck, flesh was torn away from his back… his sides… his neck.  This would continue until near death.  Our Saviors raw muscle, tendons,…

Christ Deserves Better!

They knew what he had done. They had seen the healing.  They had witnessed the miracles. They had heard of the dead rising.  So a hero’s welcome… a kings honor.  The robes from their backs, and palm leaves paved his way.  Put yourself in Jesus place.  Not wanting the spot light, but knowing the king’s…

Just Ask!

Thirty seven times.  Thirty Seven!!  H2O became wine.  Evil spirits ran in fear.  Fish jumped into nets, at his calling.  Leprosy vanished with a touch.  Small fish, and simple bread, fed thousands with a thought.  Walking on water… no problem.  Blindness vanished with a little spit and mud.  Even a simple touch of his garment…

He Changed Everything!

Most days I am amazed at the way our mind works.  We have our routine, and we think we know what is right… what is wrong.  We live in such comfort, and anything that takes us out of that comfort makes us uneasy.  During the time of the Torah they thought the same.  The leaders…

He Will Wait!

We had gone into American Eagle on a routine shopping trip.  I skimmed thru the mens’ department, the way most men do.  I then found a spot to stand.  A couple of minutes turned into many, and she was still trying on clothes.  So I waited.  People asking if they could help me.  If they…