To Be A Child!

She was like a picture out of a magazine.  A little girl all dressed up… sitting with mom and dad enjoying dinner.  As we admired her from afar and then as we were leaving she displayed an unbridled love to us.  Her smile was contagious and the eagerness with which she shown love was heartwarming…

Living In The Flow!

At an early age I could hear the music. I could see it everywhere.  I could feel it in my soul and hear it in my head.  As a gift from God I learned to play the guitar without lesson. Music is not about notes on a page or theory in books.  You have to…

He Is Still Here!

Two days have past.  The presents are gone.  Hugs were given and I love you’s exchanged… but those are just a memory.  For one fleeting moment we forgot about the sickness.  We forgot about the worries.  We put the hatred, the financial woes, the stress and the troubles of this world on hold.  All was…

Baby Jesus!

I remember vividly what it felt like to hold my daughter… then my son… for the first time.  The amazing deep love, like I had never known before, overwhelmed.  As I admired their face… as I counted their fingers… their toes… as I kissed their face and experienced their wonderful smell for the first time….

Lessons Of The Manger!

I thought I got it!  Every Christmas, I look at and read about the nativity scene but the true deep reality of it never fully came clear.  In that time a stable was simply a lien-to and perhaps the most disgusting structure in town.  Under its’ roof the dirtiest place would have been the manger. …

Only The Beginning!

This season I have pondered… what it felt like for Mary?  What were her thoughts as she watched God’s only son grow, knowing he was the Savior of all mankind?  How did he act when in the synagogue?  Did you see him with a far away look, as if he could hear someone you couldn’t? …

Reconciling Sin!

The love our God has for us is so immense that words can not explain. He created us in his image and shared with each of us a portion of his spirit.  He wanted nothing more than for us to love him back.  For us to be devoted to him.  Pure love is free choice….

My Daily Prayer!

Father As I learn… as I grow… you reveal your spirit to me.  As I look into your eyes I have a heart that can not keep.  My greatest of fears is that you will leave me here.  Drowning in this water so deep, when I want nothing more than to walk with you.  I’m…

Love Ripples!

I watch the ripples a rock makes in the water.  I ponder how each of us affects the other.  Like ripples in the water our lives and the way we live it affects the next, then the next, then the next.   As they argued satan took over his thoughts and convinced him to kill…

Give Thanks Always!

He is fully human.  He is fully God.  He embraces the spirit, as the three live in each other.  This is a Savior who through the Trinity climbs into our lives and makes beauty out of our mess… out of our pain… out of our sin.  This is a God who can take the ugliest,…