You Say You Love Me!

My Heavenly Father! You say you love me but I don’t know how to be your child.  You say you have grace untold for me but I don’t deserve it.  You fill my life with favor but I don’t know why.  I try each day to make you proud.  To be your hands… your feet……

I Know Him!

I had my blinker on.  I was moving forward and trying not to crowd… no luck.  No one was letting me in the slow moving traffic.  People looked… people noticed… but they wanted to be first and besides what would they gain by letting me in. If only I could see someone I knew, they…

Do You Feel Lost?

Do you ever feel lost?  Do you feel like you don’t belong… in the place where you find yourself?  Lately I have felt lost!  I look… I listen… I notice… I deal with and encounter others who seem to have  no love or even thoughts of our Savior.  I watch as people are so ugly…

Such Courage!

Courage!  Such an important part of being a Christian. Such an important word when it comes to right or wrong.  I watch as a group of five blind people tour Boston with no guide… no help… just their canes and each other. It inspires as I watch such amazing courage. I then think of how…

Where Is Your Love?

What do you find yourself talking about the most?  We tend to talk about what we enjoy the most. If you love sports then you will find yourself talking sports. If you love music then your conversations will be about music. Fishing then that is on your mind. How many of us say we love…

Christ Heart! – JoJo

He doesn’t even know it!    I simply watched as this young man went around shining the love of Christ to others from the center of his heart.  There are times you run across those that even without very much knowledge of scripture, or exposure to our Savior, God blesses them with a heart of…

Incomparable Love!

As he laid there on the sidewalk, cigarette still burning, the other homeless people where flagging down the ambulance.  I stopped for a moment to render a prayer that God would take care of his soul.  Then the realization hit my heart.  God was crying for the death of this homeless man just as he…

Such Joy!

I walk along with her hand in mine… joy!  I watch my grandkids laugh and giggle…joy! His smile was so big as I blessed him…joy! I feel the amazing kisses she showers me with… joy! Accomplishment fills my soul after hard work… joy! I listen to soul moving music… joy! I bask in the morning…