Where Is Joy?

I have watched her for forty years as she moves thru the day.  Beautiful… heart of gold… and a love for God.  I am so blessed! I look at pictures of my children and grandkids.  All healthy… all good and loving people.  I am so blessed!  I behold the land that we have been made…

Pure Gospel!

The line from the movie was: “Seeing isn’t believing. Believing is seeing.”  As that hit me, my heart pondered, and the movie fell away.  When your faith becomes strong, you began to see Jesus in everyplace and everyone. During Jesus last moments, the lessons he gave us were some of the most important.  That is…

Following From Love!

For four thousand years the Jewish population and Israel have been persecuted.  God made his son Jewish. Why?  He could have chosen any race of people.  Any ethnicity or any group.  If you study the words of Paul you find a glimpse into why God chose the Jewish people, and that of Israel.  By doing…

Trusting His Grace!

“It’s easier for a camel to go thru the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom.” Is that speaking of money?  Is that speaking of those that seek material riches?  Could Jesus have been talking of power? Of religious elite?  Was he talking about those that think their rich…

Life Given By God!

How can we presume to make someone or something soiled that God has created.  Peter was told by Jesus to eat of what he considered to be unclean. “How can you worry about what you consider unclean when God has already made it clean and purified it”.  Don’t we do that with people?  Through judgment…

A Work In Progress!

Sometimes it feels like God directs me to places to reveal his message.  He puts people in front of me to lead me to his heart.  We had gone to our normal Friday breakfast spot but alias they were to busy.  We ended up at Starbucks in downtown Fort Worth.  I noticed them outside.  Four…

His Name Is Jesus!

It happens daily.  I notice it when I wear my HJD shirts.  People look at me and form a pre-conceived idea when they see the name Jesus.  Many tell me they like my shirt.  Those inquires are great.  The ones I worry about… the ones that keep me up at night… are the ones that…

A Yearning!

It has always been there.  A yearning. A desire to learn and a desire to go further.  As a teenager when others were listening to rock music, I was listening to motivational speakers.  I wanted to know more and understand everything.  More than anything I have always had a longing for a understanding of Christ…

The Best Way To Love!

He was young and appeared to be homeless.  As I came from the market I could hear the conversation.  The young man had a look of despair and appeared to be cornered by an older gentleman.  Young and homeless, but Gods child all the same.  He was being preached at by a gentleman who looked…

It Is His Promise!

The drought here in Texas has been relentless.  Day after day of one hundred plus temps, and no rain in sight.  Then it happened.  Dark clouds… heavy wind… thunder… lighting… then glorious rain.  Only for a few minutes, but water from heaven none the less.  Over the next couple of days out of that simple…